How to Apply

Applications to access Sandbox space will be handled on a rolling basis.  Space and applicants will be paired to match the best proximities for collaborations, instrument use, and general success of a project.  Applications will be taken for three classes of use:

  1. Ad hoc Set-down space.  For this, a lab can request the ability to be a regular but stochastic user of another space,floor/campus and the lab will coordinate with the Czar to have a modest ongoing footprint with the sandbox and use Slack-like notifications to receive instructions for space that is available ad-hoc.
  2. Less than two-month access. For this, a lab can describe a collaborative project, using alternative space, in order to embed a project near a key resource. The hosting lab/department may be notified and agreement to provide this space ‘in advance’ will be considered useful for collaborative project funding requests (e.g RAP)
  3. 2 month to 12 month access.  For this, a lab can describe a longer course experimental series for which they would like their personnel embedded elsewhere.  Space for these is subject to change in precise location  (i.e. if Sandboxes move in order to accommodate other shifts in space such as the arrival of new faculty).  These are meant to facilitate much more profound collaborations, particularly those that might involve a core or CoLab or a hosting lab with long-term expertise in a collaboration.

Application forms will become available soon. Address corresponance to [email protected].